Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Mission: Help my boss and a friend retrieve a newly-purchased airplane (not ours, unfortunately!). We took N19NS down to Ellington, and I finally made good on my promise to carry a camera on the cockpit more often.

The airplane we picked up is a Symphony OMF-100-160. Built in Germany, it's one of only about 100 built before the company went under. It's basically the certified version of the Glas-Star/Sportsman, and it's a real sweet-flying little airplane. Still haven't figured out why this fuel-injected airplane has a carbuerator heat knob in the cockpit, and I think I'll be scratching my head about that for a while.

*Edit: The A&P discovered this morning that it's an 0-320 and isn't fuel-injected. We just didn't feel any mag drop when the carb heat was applied because of a loose cable. Go figure.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Remember San Jacinto!

Minute-Maid Park. It's almost opening day! Hopefully the 'Stros have a better year this year.

Downtown Houston x 2.

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